Ah, it's nice to be home, but what a great trip! Over 600 sneakers photographed, over 50 female sneaker fiend shoots, over 30 interviews, over 20 tram rides, over 10 sneaker boutiques, and 1 fabulous World BBoy Classic! Not to mention numerous new friends, broodjes, near accidents with bicycles and inside jokes with my fab travel companions--Jen Jen and Loni! Here are a few photos from my journey, with more below (and coming) from the real photographers...

Aruna Vermeulen, world-renowned bgirl and Director of Hip Hop Huis, at home with her considerable collection (250+)!

And her badass Keith Haring style bgirl porch!

Loni (left) and Jen Jen were ON IT the whole time! Those girls can shoot...

Typically home of symphony and "high art", this time The Doelen was home to the Sneaker Market and a hip hop State of Mind!

Speaking of a sweet sneaker market, it was cool to make it to No Boys Allowed, the female sneaker store in The Hague.

Here's me and Cim, the owner. Thanks for the sweatshirt!!

Not sneakers, but I did like this pair of Puma rollerskates

Sneaker graffiti in Amsterdam

Most people rode bikes, but this car was even smaller!

Sneaker Bandita's sick Air Max collection that she put on show at the FSF booth

Sneaker Sandy and a little piece of her 200+ collection. Yup,
Girls Got Kicks!

Loni and Jen Jen team up for Kim's photoshoot!

Julius, our favorite tour guide (on left) with Jen Jen. Loni and 2 badass bboys and emcees from Korea!

A peek of our photobooth

Aruna (front) and the Space Pirates (from left: Beau, Priscilla and Kimi)
We had a fabulous time! Special thanks to Aruna and Hip Hop Huis for making it all possible, Conchitta and Mariska for all the attention to detail, Kim and Sandy for putting up with us (and putting us up!), Julius for visiting us everywhere and all the female sneaker fiends who joined our photoshoot and interview booth!