Meet our 1st Preposterously Pink Time Line Winner! Amara Munoz won for sending the most images of pink kicks. Thanks Amara! Amara won an autographed copy of the upcoming FSF book, Girls Got Kicks, and she'll be in it too. Here's a bit of her interview...
Amara Munoz, 22, Sneaker Fiend and Artist, Sweden
Her sneaker blog: Amara por dios
When did you start loving sneakers? What got you into the sneaker game?
The year was 1996 when the Nike air flight turbulence released. I was 8 years old and I was on a summer camp. A boy there had them. I couldn’t take my eyes of them in 3 weeks. I came home and the only thing I had on my mind was those sneakers. One day I saw them, I nagged and nagged my parents. And I finally got them. I was the happiest kid in the world. I think I slept with them in bed. After that I saved all my money I got and bought sneakers. So it still is.
How would you describe your collection?
I love colors, specially pink. My collection is really like a rainbow. I keep them in their original boxes. But when the collection is growing the space is decreasing. I have sneakers in my bedroom, in two closets, in the hallway and living room. My dream is to have my own sneaker room like MAYOR.
What's the sneaker scene like for female sneaker fiends in Sweden?
Here in Sweden there’s almost no females in the sneaker game. I know only one female that have the same passion for sneakers. There’s no events or happenings for the ladies in Sweden. I tried to sell sneakers on a sneaker swap but I sold only one pair of ugly adidas for 10 dollars. Girls don’t won’t to spend money on sneakers here.
I hope the sneaker culture gets bigger here in Sweden for the girls. I’m trying my best to spread the word. Soon I will come to the US and take part of the real sneaker culture. I hope you will show me.

Our second place winner was Brittany Green. Thanks ladies!! Contact me for your prize!