FSF is always looking for great writers, and this summer we're proud to announce our two newest journalism interns, Louise (aka Weezy) Hoffman from Norwich, London, and Ally Levine from Ithaca, NY. Louise will greatly increase our coverage of England and Europe, and Ally promises to improve our coverage of girls in the skate scene... But first I asked them to tell me a little bit about their take on being female sneaker fiends:

Weezy on being a FEMALE sneaker fiend:
It definitely is different, over here at least. It’s probably because there are less females rocking kicks than males. Most of the females in the UK are all about their heels or pumps. I have time for those too, but wearing what I want and not following the crowd makes me stand out, especially to men. Some like it, some hate it. But that’s what life is all about!
Anyways, it’s always nice to be the only female who can still walk properly after a night out, and not end up stumbling about like a lame horse, or resorting to bare feet and getting tore up by broken glass.
Ally on recognizing who's a female sneaker fiend:
FSFs carry themselves with confidence and walk with swagger that others lack.
For me, necessary capital-A-attitude distinguishes the role of any given female sneaker fiend. You can tell that they have a sense of pride about the kicks they’re wearing. And if they’re spotless, then you know they’ve got their toothbrush and Windex somewhere near their shoe rack. I know I do, ha-ha.
To read more about them in their own words, click