Sister 2 Sister, the first ever all-female sneaker design seminar was an amazing process from start to finish. Dynamic energy filled the room as 17 aspiring designers honed their skills with the help of 7 fabulous designers from across the industry.

Day 1 included:
--the Assignment: use only paper and pencil to design your signature shoe: what sneaker doesn't exist that would reflect you and make your daily life better?

Our participants were challenged to work extensively on form.
--the Panel: our mentor-teacher designers generously shared stories about how they got into the industry, what it's like, and what advice they wish they'd gotten...

Panel participants included Pamela (Rbk), Shaona (Rbk), Alice (Rbk), Ann (Converse), Sara (Puma) and (not shown): Ashley (Nike) and Leyla (Sperry Topsider)
--the Networking Gathering: a chance for all of us to hang out, get to know each other and chill to great music and delicious barbeque at the
Design Studio for Social Intervention
Participant Sarah Sabino also hung original art work at the Design Studio
Day 2 included:
--lots of work!

D'Wayne (Jordan Brand) helped make the event possible, and wasn't too busy to jump in to help Sesanii on a sketch
--Final Presentations of our Signature Shoes in front of designers, funders, friends and family

Sarah with original and final sketches

Fabiola with original (top) and final sketches

Thanks to
OSD for covering and documenting the event! (We documented you too!)
More final sketches and pictures
Thanks again to:
--MassArt for hosting the event!
--Our amazing sponsors: Abekam, massImpact, Karmaloop, Pensole, No. 2 Foundation, and The Boston Foundation.
--Our amazing mentor-teachers for volunteering so much time with us!
--Our community partners who supported our high school participants! (Brighton High, Artists for Humanity, and Alisa Aronson)
--D'Wayne Edwards for his belief in the event.