Two FSF's contacted me on the Forums about thier blog
reckless truth. When I checked it out I was Pleasantly surprised with the eloquence in which they wrote about issues relevant to their lives. Their Blog touches on subjects alot of hype Blogs these days are kindof ignoring, with topics ranging from college bound entrepenuers, Obama, and Beyonce. Here is an interview I sent them and some pictures of them with their favorite kicks!!!
Who are you two? (real names and screen names on fsf please!)
Rachel: I’m Rachel and stellarSTEEZ on FSF.
Alex: Alex Neason, aka LEXgotSOLE on FSF
You are students at which University?
Rachel: Both freshmen at St. John's University in killa Queens
Alex: ST. JOHN`S UNIVERSITY! (Queens campus)
And you are both majoring in writing?
Rachel: I’m a Journalism major. I’m not quite sure what Lex’s major is but we met in Public Relations class.
Alex: : I’m actually a communication arts major, with a minor in Journalism & Business

Why did you decide to start a blog and what type of Blog do you consider Reckless truth?
Rachel: Well initially I had a blog [One Real Broad] that I wrote on my own. I noticed that a lot of things on the internet that have to do with politics or other issues like that are boring, filled with political jargon and just not targeted toward people like me. So I started writing something that was the total opposite. Then Lex and I started Reckless Truth together. I mean honestly if two heads are better than one just imagine what two masterminds working together are capable of! We can take over the world one hit at a time.
Alex: Well, Rach had a solo blog that I was a regular reader and fan of, & when she asked me if I wanted to collab with her I jumped all over it; she’s an amazing writer & the two of us combined do some serious damage
How does Sneaker Culture influence your Blog/ Lives?
Rachel: Oh man, the best phrase I can think of to sum up the way I feel would be “walk a mile in my shoes.” People always talk about how by just looking at a person’s hands you can tell their past I think it’s the same way with their kicks or any other kind of shoe because different styles tend to reflect different journeys whether professional or personal and that is what Reckless Truth is all about… a journey; our reckless journey for the truth.
Alex: Sneakers are part of my personality, alongside shoes comes street/urban culture including music, fashion, ect. It’s a part of my upbringing & shapes who I am on paper and off, so naturally you’re gonna see that expressed in my writing.

I really appreciate the fact that your Blog is so well written and addresses political and social issues that are relevant yet unresolved. How much has the college environment influenced what you write about?
Rachel: My parents told me just before I left that my experience in college was going to mold me into the person I’d be for the rest of my life and at the time I didn’t really want to accept that. I believed that I already knew who I was and if anything college would just round out the edges but I was very wrong. By St. John’s being so diverse I’ve come across so many beliefs and opinions on different subjects that if I didn’t write about it I’d probably go crazy. As a matter of fact if the wrong person ever got their hands on my journal there’s a good chance that I’d either be admitted to some kind of hospital or thrown in jail. It’s pretty wild.
Alex: College is one of the best environments to get into if you’re interested in socio-political issues. Opportunities are HUGE on campus & a lot of what I write about stems from an event I attended, a forum, club meeting, or conversation I had on campus. College, especially St. John’s, is extremely diverse and there’s a lot of really intelligent people on campus from different backgrounds, with views & ideas to learn from.
How long have you guys been female sneaker fiends?
Rachel: I’d say almost a year for me. Yes, a very short time but I caught onto the game really fast and I’m not looking to be benched any time soon. But I don’t think I’m as deep into as Lex.
Alex: I always wore sneakers, but I think I really got crazy about them in high school. I was living in Hawaii & people don`t know but sneaker fiends, especially female ones are a big part of the population down there. The presence, alongside the booming sneaker culture (check out In4mation & Kicks/HI) in Hawaii sparked my obsession.
What’s your favorite all time shoe?
Rachel: My favorite shoe will always and forever be the Reebok Classic! I’m constantly catching heat about this but people just don’t understand! The Reebok Classic… the name says it all. It’s timeless and it goes with everything. Just like me. ; )
Alex: Alex: I’m obsessed with DUNKS. People know me for my obsession with them, but I don’t discriminate with shoes, I’ll wear whatever I like,
What other females do you most admire?
Rachel: La Bruja, Ellen Degeneras, and Soledad O’Brien.
- They are all very powerful women, each in their own way, who with strength, grace and courage managed to come out of whatever personal tragedies they may have encountered on top of the world. I could name a lot more but those seem to be my top three right now. And my sister is my hero. <3
Alex: Alicia Keys. I admire her for her VOICE. By this I don’t mean just her singing voice, because there is no doubt that it’s incredible. Not only does she have a beautiful voice, but her MIND is beautiful, meaning that her written words capture feelings that we sometimes can’t find a voice for. I respect her as a singer AND a poet, for being able to sing and write what so many others feel but can’t express.