So what did I get you ask??
Most of the FSF crew knows I'm crazy about PONY! I love em! and they are SUPER COMFORTABLE and stylish to me. So what better request than to get the PONY Uptowns!! Not just any uptowns...the PONY Uptown Darryl Dawkins!!
Darryl Dawkins also known as Chocolate Thunder was a monster dunker back in the ’70s and was remembered by most for shattering the glass of the back board. While breaking the glass he wore the Pony Uptown.

I know its not a female inspired shoe...and I'm not a big b-ball fan (sorry Lori) (I'm a baseball freak GO METS!)But its still heat to me!!!

Funny story while rocking them...I was at an Art store buying some stuff and a dude stopped me and was grillin my kicks. He stopped me and asked
I said dude these are PONY. He was like What are those?
I was in astonishment! I then went on to explain about them...I really couldn't believe he didn't know. Just another day in the life of a FSFer...educating the people on trueness... not hype!
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