The first vendor was VERNAKULAR []. They make T-shirts showcasing the work of emerging photographers. They had alot of cultural iconic types shirts that were fun and made me go back in my childhood a bit. Like this one below.

We all remember chasing the ice cream man, C'mon!!!
Here are a few other designs they had out there! Maybe one will spark something to you!

Much Thanks to the Gentleman who was selling the shirts and let me grab a few pics! (I told you I was going to Blog)

The other T-Shirt vendor wouldn't let me take pics, but I bought one of his shirts! And I got a cool "FSF" discount lol, not really but he did lookout for me!
This company is called PLASTER & PASTE [] and they are based in Brooklyn. They had a great line of quality t-shirts with graphics and imagery. You'll see why I bought the shirt I did below.

GREAT STUFF HUH?? Goes beautiful with my Zoom FC's that I got outta Beantown!
And the day goes on....
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