Once again the actions of my kind colleagues and supervisor at work have seen that I get another insiders advantage- I was allowed the freedom of the carefully monitored stockroom with camera in tow. What good is this? Many photographs of different types of boxes and special bits'n'pieces of packaging that I don't already own. Why would you want to photograph this? Because it shows what companies have already done towards trying to make that purchase just a little bit more special for you. Ever bought a pair for sneaks just for the box? Well maybe not, but it is a nice extra and also easier to tell whats in which box when all those generic Nike boxes are stacked sky high in your room. Any one else feel me on this point?

Everything from how the product will be marketed, to how it will be packaged are important areas to consider when aiming for a higher mark, so I'm proposing to have my own shoe boxes printed and made-up.
Yep, I'm becoming a bit of a butt-suck, but ass does tastes mighty fine!
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