HEY GUYS!!!!! I told you about my friend Jenny Musitano's New Line Yours Truly a few posts back, here is a little more info strait from Jenny. Be sure to Check out yourstrulybrand.com its one of the nicest new female brands.
Where are you originally from and how long have you been in new york city?
I was born in Seoul, Korea, grew up in the Baltimore/DC area, went to school in Boston, moved to the LES in May 2004, then the UWS for over 2 years, now I'm in BK. So I've been in NYC for only 3.5 years now.
What is your main inspiration behind the first season of Yours Truly?
I have so many ideas and inspirations, but I would say the main inspiration for this first season was famed females, which is an on-going series we have. Even the Aqua Net tee has an MC Lyte reference in it.
How did you come up with the name Yours Truly?
I wanted a name that was sorta feminine, a name that I could see growing as the line and myself grow, also a name that had a true, passionate meaning, and a name that confident females could identify with. I'm always brainstorming ideas and it just came to me when I was in the subway one day...Yours Truly - how the clothes are brought to you and how the ladies bring it when they wear them.

I know you ran another company dancing in clubs, can you tell us a little bit about your past work history and other self started ventures you have been involved in?
I have another company called Just J.A.M. It began by me throwing events and parties in Boston and then in New York as well. I eventually grew out of that and Just J.A.M. became an event staffing company, in which I book models and dancers for events, promotions, and night clubs. I still have a handful of clients, but I realized it was time to follow my real dream...starting a clothing line. I always knew I was going to be an entrepreneur. I had all the symptoms for it - kicked outta school, fired from virtually every job I've ever had, not good with authority, even been arrested. With that being said, I have always been positive, motivated, creative, and business minded.
Name one person living or dead who inspires you?
I can't name just one person, but what really inspires me is seeing everyday people following their dreams and becoming successful out of straight passion.
Whats your favorite restruant in nyc?
That's tuff, but I really love Blue Ribbon Sushi. I love all the flavors of food, dining out and trying new restaurants.

Is yours truly just going to be T-shirts or will there also be other items (what?)
For now we are doing Tees, but I plan to produce all garments in the near future...jeans, dresses, jumpers, sweaters, jackets, hoodies, everything.
When and Where can we cop yours Truly?
The line is in stores now. Check www.yourstrulybrand.com for the store list, more stores will be added soon. Our online store should be up soon too. The website isn't fully complete, but should be done real soon.
Any shout outs?
Shout out to Stina, Lex, Pearl, Shauna, Ash, and all the Inner Titty Youth, do your thing bitches, do your thing! To all the employers that fired me, you can give me head, till I'm dead, one love, and I'm out.

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