I know I usually post casual shoe releases from Nike, Adidas etc but these particular sneakers are for the fashion forward sneaker lover. I first got wind of these Isabel Marant sneakers from jewelry designer
Melody Ehsani's blog. When I first saw these, I wasn't feeling these too tough but then the gum sole on them is what kept me mesmerized. The silhouette does give essence of a high heel, so this sneaker would be ideal for the high heel wearer who wants a simple yet fashionable sneaker.

Isabel Marant-Bobby High top

Isabel Betty High top

Joan Smalls in Isabel Marant Sneakers(pic via
House of Sartorialism)
These sneakers are available at Barneys, Net-a-Porter and Lgarconne for $680 a pop. Since they come with a hefty price tag, Ash Shoes has a similar version called the Bowie which are sold on
Karmaloop for $225.00. Check it....

I'm feeling them both. What about you guys?
me encantan los dos colores..quizas la rosa es mas dificil de combinar pero me parecen colores acertados...es lo mas parecido a llevar un zapato de tacon,juveniles pero a la vez elegantes...enhorabuena por vuestro blog chicas!!
Those pink ones would be mine if I find those funds for it, very cute! Thanks for the info!!
May I correct you: it's Isabel Marant, not Murant ;)
And the ones worn by Joan Smalls are the Bekket ;)
Yes, it's pricey, but the cheaper ones really have nothing to do with them!
@Caro Thanks for the correction. Its been noted.
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