Two months ago I posted a sneaker option for the ladies that wanted a sporty looking sneaker with a chic edge. Which are the Isabel Marant sneaker wedges. Now since the arrival of this particular sneaker wedge other brands are hopping on the sneaker wedge train such as this Italian brand Serafini's which is a complete knockoff of Isabel Marant's sneakers........
Pic Via High Snobette
And now Nike has jumped on too with their version feat. Liberty Fabrics.......

Pic via High Snobette
Now granted Isabel Marant was and is NOT the first person to do this trend. So I won't be one of those people who act like she created this look and everyone after her is a follower. But since she is relevant in today's age I will reference her sneaker wedges. I think its good that other brands are doing an inspired and more affordable version but I already see where this is going and the outcome isn't good. I know before I said I was feeling it but now, not so much. I am already tired of this look and it hasn't really popped off to the masses yet. I am still a fan of the Isabel Marant's version but even with her version I'm still tired of it. I am definitely sure more of these sneaker wedges will emerge from different brands in the coming months, which like I stated before its all good but I just can't. I know some you may or will disagree with me and call me a negative Nancy but I call it like I see it. But then again this is what happens with trends right? What are your thoughts?
My thoughts are like yours, I don't see your view as being negative at all and I'd tell you if I did. I feel like once something of a trend peeks its head out then boom everybody is doing it. I hope these are not styled as the Jordan Heels of the fashion world. I anticipate seeing more of Nike's version. I'm all for stepping outside the box, however I didn't care for the Nike Gladiator sandals at all either; but I'm with you courtside waiting and watching to see how it's going down.... Good post.
when are the dunks coming out they r fire
@anon sometime soon> its between now and the summer
I have loved trainers since I was like 6, for me I have one pair of wedge sneakers and they would be the marants if I could afford it. I will wear them until they fall apart because I love them as they are reworked trainers.
The people that buy them because they are trendy will hate them in a few months and that's fine with me. Just as they will hate those suede nike blazers that they all seem to have.
I guess it all depends on why you are wearing them/why you like them.
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