Got an message on myspace from a guy called Dee, he hosts a live, call-in talk show every Wednesday night. The show starts at 9:30 PM EST. And it´s all about kicks!!!
I´m invited to join in on the show on Wednesday, I´m gonna try my hardest to call in and have a chat with Dee.......OSD: www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=49061&cmd=tc
I just got back from two really hectic weeks in New York, just got on the computer to check my messages really quick. And this sounded really interesting so I had to make a post. But anyways, to all you FSF ladies and the rest of you that I met at Sneaker Pimps NYC thanks for making it into a night to remember and to the event of the year. No doubt!!!(FSF had the best booth)I had so much fun, and it was so nice to finally meet all of you. PICS WILL BE UP TOMORROW
Now I´m gonna sleep, FINALLY.....Zzzzzzzzzz
1 comment:
Thanks for posting this on Female Sneaker Fiends.
This week's topic is:
Sneakers released between 1988 and 1996 a/k/a/ the "sweet-spot years for sneakers".
The telephone number to call in and the "pin" to join the show is:
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Talkcast ID: 49061
I hope some females can join the show and represent for the Female Sneaker Fiends (FSF).
Peace & Walk GOOD!
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