For the record I would like to explain a few key points about FSF, who we are, and our mission.
This year we have branched out and people are now finding out about us in various ways, not just from our forums.
The forums are how we started. Our goal was to create a positive community for females into sneakers to meet each other and build. We set up a registered nonprofit organization called Femalesneakerfiend.com. This was started by Lori lobenstein a boston resident dedicated to work of the social improvement type. She is constantly writing grants and coming up with ways to help youth and community in a positive way whether it be starting organizations like FSF or coaching basketball.
Femalesneakerfiends is about building a community. It starts with a sneakerhead, and then branches out natuarally into fashion, and art, journalism and other creative and sporting endeavors. Our aim is to bring like minded people together so they can positively influence each other. Recently other female oriented websites have viewed us as competition. While it is true that many people in the "industry" are highly competitive, and solely out to make money and a name for themselves, FSF is one organization that is not. Everything we accomplish, from forum moderation to blogs, t-shirts to dunk exchange tables, events to web redesign, flyer promotion to interviews and articles is done through grassroots volunteers and thanks to thier love of sneakers and of FSF. We reach out to other organizations solely to broaden and enrich the female community we have already created in the last two years. We are not here to compete with anybody's shine, to compete with any bodys plans, or to compete for anybodies clients, we are here to help you shine brighter. We understand this may be hard to believe, in a culture where everyone is out to make a buck and much of what can be accomplished depends on who you are or who you know. but we like to think we have proven over the last two years that our only goal is to spread some love.
Well said!
Word up!
PS: When are we gonna do some collabos? ;)
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