Monday, January 18, 2010

Making Your Sneaker Passion Permanent?

A couple years ago when I was big into Myspace and used to creep on random people, I came across pictures of this dude who had a pretty bold tattoo. He had thee 1 and only SWOOSH tatted on the side of his foot. Homeboy even had a Paypal account set up and frequently asked for donations to further fuel his sneaker addiction.
Anyway, I was thinking about tattoos today and did some exploring. Check what I found:

What do you think.......would you? Have you?


  1. Haha I love idea in the last one :D

  2. I would soooo get a Nike swoosh tatted on my foot. Hmmm?

  3. The shoe strings on the feet is crazzzyy! These are very interesting tattoo choices lol I'll just stick to wearing sneakers on my feet :)

  4. I think just the plain old swoosh looks pretty ill! I already have a tatt across my feet so there's no room for anything else but yeah the tatt in the last pic was really well done!

  5. Def wouldn't do it, but the idea is dope. I rock with the last pix, but I don't rock flip flops lol
