Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Female Sneaker Fiends Are Taking Over!

We knew Mafia since back in the day. In fact, if you look on the FSF forums, she started some of the longest standing posts we have. (Don't believe me? Check out "mo pickups" in the sneaker section--closing in on 300,000 views and over 300 pages!) Back when she was "just" a killer collector, we had her on our fiends page, and now she's got an updated interview in the Women in the Industry section. Why? Cuz she's repping HARD for the females over at Sneaker Freaker. Lead sneaker freaker, Woody, has always been a supporter of FSF and the women's game, but Mafia's taking it up a notch. This week is Ladies Week on the whole site, so look for interviews with Erin Magee of Made Me, Miss Yasi Salek of Cultist, Jee-Nice of Anattitude Mag, and much more, plus some of the hottest women's kicks out there. And if all that's not enough, she's taken it upon herself to start a section of the forums just for the females, called Sneaker Freakette. Keep it up Muff Daddy!

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