Saturday, January 19, 2008

Stupid o'clock, Sneaker Design School

Some people find they're more creative stoned, I find I'm more creative around stupid o'clock in the morning, a.k.a. 3am. That's fine until there are lectures to be attended at 10...

This week a lot of time has been spent working through the night with Photoshop, cutting stencils, befriending an air-brush, getting high from the fumes and spraying my bedroom floor all kinds of colours! The last bit was a mistake, I over-shot the newspaper.

I've been working on patterns and possible fabric prints for my final range, using the previously blogged inspirations as a starting point. The aim is to create prints who's origins aren't obvious and concentrate on abstract shapes traced from photographs taken during research.

A small preview of the outcome so far:
Shoulder strain, R.S.I. and aching eyes

Colours are yet to be definite, combinations are still being explored.

Like it, hate it? Your feedback would be great.

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