Wednesday, November 21, 2007

going cold turkey

Alright, pardon the pun. I left yesterday for my sister's house, to hang out with all sorts of fam thru Thanksgiving and all the way til Sunday. No small task, but a lot of fun, too. Well, it was raining and snowing in Boston yesterday, just enough to make me put on some boots to walk my dog. After that I packed my bags and hit the road.
What did I forget????????? My sneakers! I have never had to go this long without my own sneakers before. I rarely leave on a trip without at least 5 pairs. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?! I mean I can borrow some from my twin sis, but that is NOT the same..............feeling a bit weak..........might have to brave the crowds and go buy some...........neeeeeeed sneeeeeeeaaaaakkkkkkeeerrrrrsssssss.........

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